Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Federal PAY RISE

The only thing that the political parties in Australia don't fight about is the pay rises they keep giving themselves out of our tax money. You see them all day long waiting for the other party or the leader of the other party to do one little mistake and all of the sudden they are at each others neck.

All of the sudden they are best friends and act as if they are one big happy family when it comes to them granting the pay rises or the handsome superannuation for that matter.

I might as well quite my job and become a politician, even if i am disqualifies on technicality in the election process i would end up with a little over $1.5 million in superannuation.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

new items

Just a couple of new items, more coming soon

Friday, May 11, 2007

new work

here is a sample of stuff i have been up to.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Gag Hicks

David Hicks have been officially silenced by his court order. as part of his plea bargain he is not allowed to speak to media for the period of 12 month, or profit from his story.

This has been an obvious request from Howard government in order to keep him quite silent until after the election at the end of this year. The heat has been getting to Mr Howard, and as usual he talked to his buddy in the white house, Mr George Bush, in order to help him out. Mr Bush himself needs to handle himself better in the US, having pressure from Iraq war.

All over the media, the government has been denying that it had something to do with the gag, it has been very unsuccessful. Even the American media noticed the input of Howard into the Hicks case.

Mr Howard should learn from other countries where they do such thing a little bit less obvious.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hicks pleads guilty

Hicks have today pleaded guilty to the charges of supporting a terrorist organisation, I first heard of the news from the Age online newspaper.

David hicks have pleaded guilty to these charges just so he can "get out of this place"; the guy have spend the last five years in the worst possible place on earth, with no support in any way from the Australian government. I don't blame the poor guy, who knows what kind of issues he had to deal with inside Guantanamo Bay.

There has been numerous reports of systematically drugging the inmates in order to break their will power and to keep them in "controlled state" according to sources in the American press; not to mention depriving the detainees of their basic human right, basic legal council or their basic daily needs.

In both the official report from Guantanamo Bay administration, David Hicks was given the option to have a hair cut and a shave; it seems that the detainees were not given the right to have hair cuts or shaves, couldn't they just sedate them and give them a hair cut or a shave they are already drugging them in order to perform the simplest of tasks.

Monday, March 26, 2007


Enough is enough. PM John Howard, is playing around just to gain extra political millage. the trial for David Hicks is due to start Monday night (Australian time), this trial was not even on the calender except when the government was being attacked by every one in Australia about the lack of effort that was invested in bringing Mr Hicks back home.

So what you think Howard does? he calls up his good friend (and only friend), Mr Bush to speed up the trial of Mr Hicks. putting aside the legitimacy debate of military commission that Mr hicks will be facing, Australia is one of the few countries that did not formally request the return of its citizens from Guantanamo Bay. Several countries around the world have requested and successfully returned their citizens, some of which have been tried in their countries own legal system. Even India have returned some of its citizens, Pakistan on the other hand left its citizens stranded in Guantanamo Bay, just so General Musharraf can hold on to power without external intervention of his questionable ruling or the worsening state of the legal rights of Pakistan's citizens.

Mr Howard did NOTHING for five years, and now he is trying to catch up. Way too late Mr Howard, you should have thought of that earlier.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Arrogant Howard

Prime Minister John Howard has been so arrogant to the Australian society it is now turning against him in the polls. People are shifting their vote from Mr Howard even if they are liberal supporters. Beside his long stand with Bush on the Iraq war and his refusal to listen to the Australian public or the opposition; the double standard that he is setting for his liberal friends and supporters and the wider Australian community.

During his long time in the PM office, he has performed a number of good things for Australia; but the long time in the office has made him to be another Mugabe.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I have been Reading this book and it is great, the title is "Underground" by ANREW McGAHAN, It is not set in the usual locations but actually in Australia, without saying to much it evolves around the current world events and draw on other things that are already happening.
Anyone who gets searched and questioned every time they go to the airport will know what i am saying.
Before i forget, all legal stuff belong to author and the publisher of the book, i just like the book so much that i felt people should know what the cover looks like.
hope you enjoy it as much as i did.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Saturday, February 03, 2007

first attempt -Manga

This is my first attempt at manga, turned out better than i thought. here is a look of early stages then almost finished product

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Transformation of the blog

As some of you know, this blog was originally created to serve as just a travel blog during my recent Europe trip; however since I've been back I kept adding stuff to it and became a usual thing.
Now there will be some transformation happening, i will add an email link so people can contact me i am not really keen on commenting on this site. And i will clean up some of the photos posted while i was traveling, please keep in mind i had no editing software nor did i have anything decent to use, i basically uploaded them and hopped to the next country. (Ahhh i miss the backpacking days)
I will add more stuff about myself in my profile, just give me time.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

New Year and Christams

AHHH it was very busy in that time, went to Sydney had great fun then woodford with friends for new years it was good. now back to work and back to normal.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The worse of both - Ford & Microsoft

The worse in the world have joined forces, yes, Ford and Microsoft are working together to make cars that enables the drivers and owners of the new vehicles to hook up their little gadgets so its compatible with their shitty ford car.

Now you have a product with the worse security and reliability in the world teaming up with the worse car maker (Yes as bad as Kia and Hyundai), what we will see is that the cars will be malfunctioning for no reason and you have to go to your dealership or mechanic twice a day, so he can tweak you shit box Ford.

Ensuring you car will be a nightmare, no one will want to ensure it for you for no amount of premium; how can you explain to your insurance company that the car crashed into the truck in front of you when it was parked under your work, with your keys in your pocket.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


long time since i should have posted this one but i kind of got side tracked, here are photos from Greece, i actually meet Phil and Mr L. in Italy and ended up with them in Greece then we went our separate ways. Greece was a another big party i really enjoyed it.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Vas's wedding

a while ago, it was Vas's wedding, it was eally nice and all the guys were there, it was really nice to see him so happy on that day, i will let the photos speak for them selves

weired Christmas

Well traditionally Australia always experiences a hot, humid and sticky hot Christmas, which is usually accompanied with the seasonal Bush Fires that has been burning highly in the state of Victoria around 24 hours drive from my place.
This year instead of just head i think for the first time we had a white Christmas, or even any sign of normal cold Christmas weather.

Friday, December 22, 2006


i am finally getting my act together and putting up the rest of the photos for my trip, this is only Italy stage and after that it will be greece then egypt, if my cousin sends me the photos.
well here is rome and the rest if to follow real soon.
St. Peter square, and the crazy small cars that i can't imagine fitting in one person let alone two, they freaked me out, vezpas are larger than them

Sunday, November 26, 2006

hello again

sorry i have been busy, after spain i got taken away with a lot of things. the trip ended with me going to Italy, and Greece, then I went to see my family and friends in Egypt. it was really good time i had the chance to go to two weddings in egypt the first was the daughter of my dad's wedding and the second was my friends, Gaafar they were both very beautiful, it was very nice chance to catch up with everyone. i will post the rest of the trip soon, and iwill update more frequently.

Friday, June 23, 2006


Barcelona is great its a real party town like everyone says, there is always something happening.
went to the la familia the church that Gaudi made and also went to the different places around town. la familia is mind blowing went up to the towers by stairs and saw the details of the building from up high its amazing. i also went to FC Barcelona football stadium and went to the tour of the field and the dressing room.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

france phtos

More photos

france prt2

Just photos this time

frqnce part 1

from holland took a train to paris for 4.5hours which is nothing, paris is great everything is happening and lots to see went to the louvre which took the whole day its so big and like the british musium lots of stollen stuff from other countries. the paintings were awoseme some of them you can feel as if you are in the middle of it of as if the characters are with you in the room, went to the sacre coeur, the eiffel tower and also to notre damem went up tot he second floor of the eiffel tower by stairs that was hard then took the elivator to the top. the notre dame i went into the tower as well and i loved all the gargouls just like the cartoon they were great.


holland was great was in a,sterdam most of the time but also went to the haig to minuture holland where everything is like 1:25 scale


I was in sweden for bit more than a week and i stayed with my relatives it was real good but cold their summer is unpredictable and it was nearly our winter, i got sick for a couple of days but it always helps when you got doctors around, i had to stay for the graduation of my cusin from school they make a big ass celebration around town u think they jus tfinished colledge,