Monday, April 02, 2007

Gag Hicks

David Hicks have been officially silenced by his court order. as part of his plea bargain he is not allowed to speak to media for the period of 12 month, or profit from his story.

This has been an obvious request from Howard government in order to keep him quite silent until after the election at the end of this year. The heat has been getting to Mr Howard, and as usual he talked to his buddy in the white house, Mr George Bush, in order to help him out. Mr Bush himself needs to handle himself better in the US, having pressure from Iraq war.

All over the media, the government has been denying that it had something to do with the gag, it has been very unsuccessful. Even the American media noticed the input of Howard into the Hicks case.

Mr Howard should learn from other countries where they do such thing a little bit less obvious.